Complicite - Mnemonic

Has anyone read Complicite's devised play "Mnemonic"? I read it a few years ago and it suddenly dawned on me how relevant it all felt to Uncanny Valley. A quote from Simon McBurney about the production that particularly struck me:

"I had wanted to make a piece about memory for many years. At the source, we merely investigated our own memories and how they functioned. How much do you remember? How far back does your memory go? To your childhood? Beyond into your parent's childhood? If memory is not possible without consciousness, and our conscious selves are created by our backgrounds and where we come from, how does what we remember tell us who we are? And if we forget where we come from, what continuity we are part of, does that mean we forget who we are?"

I can't find my copy of the play but I'm gonna keep looking. Here's a look to the show's website anyway: