
The song that Marc was teaching Jerry and I last night reminded me of this video I had seen of the Dirty Projectors demonstrating "hocketing", which is basically sharing a melody between two or more people, alternating singing/playing notes, giving a ping-pong effect.

Dave Longstreth talks for a while about it, but skip to minute 7 to see the ladies demonstrate.

This hocketing example might be more useful for a group song. This is a group of flute players from Ethiopia. It gets pretty crazy and dissonant, but a melody could work on top of something sparer. We could try something like this as a vocal improv.


La Foi said...

That hocketing is awesome! It reminds me a little bit of what Erin & I had to learn to do for the backing (prerecorded) vocals for one of the EWLLY songs... what was it, the Dad dance? I can't remember what we used the music for now. Maybe the sex talk?

Anyway it was waaaay way simpler than what those two ladies in the clip are doing but it was still effing hard. It took us forever to figure out. We never did do it live but I would love to do more stuff like that.

Yay! Marc, I can't wait to hear that song you guys were working on, you all sounded great.

La Foi said...

Oh my god I just listened to those flute players, they freaked my mind out! Aghhh!

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