Twin Peaks song

Holy Shit! Over at the Twin Peaks Archive (which I didn't even know existed until today) they've just released 4 previously unreleased songs, which are downloadable today only.

CHECK OUT THIS CLIP -- it features so many of the elements we've been toying with, like:

- dark haired twin-like girls singing backup
- an 'alien' or unexpected voice coming out of someone's mouth
- wierdly nostalgic yet creepy home-like environment

And it's also a lovely, understated song. I'm not suggesting we use it in the show, just as inspiration:


Maesie said...

It's like an alien/others love song! If the aliens/others have a musical number, I could see it being heartbreakingly tender a la Marc's song with some of the elements you identified above.

Scott said...

Love it! I am a huge fan of Twin Peaks (and Julee Cruise). If we want to hear any music like this in rehearsal, I have a ton of it on my laptop.

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