Jodorowski blast from the past

Oh Jesus, Maesie's post on Jodorowski brought back some memories. Isn't it funny how our work (and our lives, and our inspirations, etc.) go in circles?

So, I can't post any clips from Jimmy Blue since those are only on VHS, and I found some of the music that was created by the brilliant & versatile Peter Musselman (before he left to study in California for several years, and before he returned to compose much of the music for Undine) but I can't figure out how to post those either.

So you'll just have to trust me that it is wicked awesome hearing the voice of the Bee Man say REMAIN CALM AND THE WORLD AROUND YOU IS HARMLESS. BRING FORTH WHAT IS WITHIN YOU AND YOU WILL SAVE YOURSELF.

The other funny thing is... though we may be drawn to similar Jimmy Blue source material for this new show, what we are dreaming up for/with it is very, very different.

Here are two photos from Jimmy Blue (taken from the H2M website):


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